FLIX Brushes have superb 'feel' and balance and employ a range of fibers specifically selected from various materials for their weight, flexibility and durability. FLIX should not be confused with cheap fiber, far-east imports. Flix Products Brushes Tips Sticks from Scotland. Covering the entire musical spectrum from Jazz, through Pop, Country, Latin and Ethnic to Heavy Rock, FLIX Products are the first choice of many studio, session and show drummers seeking to add a significant new dimension to their playing.
JAZZ BRUSH FLIX from U.K. Superb balance light fast action and resilient fibers combine to satisfy the full range of technical expressions
Flix Sticks Our thick, resilient fibers and adjustable tone rings produce a superb range of "unplugged" sounds. Try a different ring setting on each hand.
BRUSH ROCK with thicker durable fibers and more weight than most other brushes. Rock brushes create unique, high volume levels on kit and cymbals in situations where other brushes would be drowned out. Excellent dynamic range and cymbal presence
More recently brushes with plastic or nylon wires have made an appearance. Their sound is noticeably more subdued, duller and warmer when sweeping, and when striking the drum more plasticky (obviously). The plastic brushes are also bendier and so get “left behind” more when sweeping. However they readily spring back into shape so are less likely than wire brushes to be permanently bent.